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1)We use up to date "evidence-based" approaches

2)Treatments are only applied when it is deemed you get more "benefit" from having the treatment than not having it 

3)Dental Treatment is almost always temporary. it needs maintenance, surveillance, and sometimes, later, replacement. 

PaIn Control Regimen:

Follow the Link for detailed instructions on post-op pain management

Why Do I Need A Filling?

Fillings are the best current technology for filling the cavities or holes in teeth that develop with oral disease. They are a poor substitute for tooth structure, but they are the best we currently have. Inlay and Onlays are similar to fillings but they are made in a Laboratory outside of the mouth, then cemented in, rather than just "filled in" directly in the mouth. They are similar to regular fillings but often require removal of additional tooth structure, but may simulate the tooth better in some cases in the long-run

Should I Whiten My Teeth?

Whitening the teeth should be done cautiously. However when applied appropriately can dramatically contribute to a healthy and thus beautiful smile

Several items should be considered prior to whitening the teeth

1)As we get older, less "white" shades actually look more natural 

2)Most people consider "natural" more beautiful or attractive

3)Dental sensitivity is often hard to completely avoid, however can be dramatically improved by using professional guidance of pre and post-whitening gels. 

4)If you want to change your front teeth, it is best to do this prior to whitening because when artificial material is used on the teeth it creates a "limiting shade" 

5)If you have had prior work done on your front teeth you may be limited by this shade, otherwise the replacement tooth structure will "jump-out"

6)whitening should be done professionally because it will need to be done repeatedly. Avoiding sensitivity, bleached gums and over-bleaching teeth and efficient whitening is part of our job. 

Why do I Need A Crown?

A crown is essentially a cap that replaces virtually all of the Enamel (the hard outer layer) of the tooth.

 It can become necessary for many reasons. However, the overall idea is the same. The tooth is in a status that it would benefit from having a single, encompassing piece of material "covering" it, more than it would benefit from not doing this. Some basic causes are:

1)Large fillings/cavities are in the tooth, leaving the tooth prone to more cavities or perhaps worse, breaking

2)Replacing prior crowns on teeth

3)Improving the "look" of the tooth

4)Pieces of the tooth have broken, or the tooth has a major fracture or split between large portions

5)Improving the "contact" with other teeth

Why Do I Need A Deep Cleaning?

A deep cleaning is necessary when you have bone loss leading to a deeper infiltration of bacteria and inflammation. This "deeper" inflammation is called periodontal disease or gum disease. It is not technically cureable, but can be virtually halted in most cases with regular professional cleanings, improved oral hygiene, and lifestyle modification

There are typically multiple causes and correlations, some more within your control than others: 

1)Genetic predisposition


3)Poor Flossing and Brushing

4)Poor Diet

5)Systemic Disease, especially Diabtetes

What is the Restorative Cycle of Teeth?

The Restorative Cycle of Teeth Refers to the transition of natural vital teeth to larger and larger replacement with dental materials

The restorative cycle moving from one stage to the next is what we want to halt in dentistry, it typically proceeds as follows:

1)Large fillings/cavities are in the tooth, leaving the tooth prone to more cavities or perhaps worse, breaking

2)Cavities/fillings lead to deeper fillings that compromise the pulp leading to root canal treatment

3)Crowns with or without posts are used to recover from the extensive damage

4)Crown failure leads to complex treatment that may be or may not be pursued due to complexity or cost, this is typically root canal re-treatment, re-crowning, root tip amputation.

5)Teeth are replaced with implants

Ultimately implants have to be maintained in a similar fashion as teeth, with some modifications, and face the same risk of failure if prevention is not the first priority.

Make sure you understand your treatment plan and prevention to avoid progression in the restorative cycle